WILDisland RRI adoption presented to ICPDR


The newly adopted Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative was presented at the 22nd Standing Working Group Meeting of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), which took place in June 25-26th in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The meeting got together the ICPDR Contracting Parties and Observers, such as DANUBEPARKS, WWF and the Global Water Partnership to discuss the progress of all the Comissions' Working Groups, draft reports, sub-basin initiatives (Sava, Tisza and Prut), cooperation and partnerships. The meeting took place in Slovakia, since the annual Presidency of ICPDR is currently hosted there.

DANUBEPARKS is an Observer at the ICPDR and had the chance to once again present the concept and idea behind the establishment of the initiative, the role of ICPDR, announce the formal adoption and explain the future short-term and long-term goals and opportunities for funding.

Following the presentation, the Standing Working Group adopted a Resolution, stating that it:

takes over the ICPDR’s role as formal host and Non-Country Member of the first river-focused Ramsar Regional Initiative following the resolution of ICPDR OM-26 based on the adoption of the proposed WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative by the Ramsar Standing Committee at its 63rd meeting;

The participants could also visit the "Danube Art Master: Celebrating 20 Years of Creativity and Connection to the Danube!" exhibition, diplayed in Hviezdoslavovo námestie – Hviezdoslav Square, Old Town, Bratislava until June 26th. This exhibition celebrates the 20-year journey of DANUBE ART MASTER, highlighting the incredible artworks and the evolving awareness of water issues among the youth.

We are really grateful to the ICPDR Secretariat for this wonderful opporunity, the trust and the acknowledgment of the potential of establishing the Danube WILDisland Habitat Corridor as flaghship indicator of intact river dynamics and healthy riparian ecosystems and we are looking forward to working together on preserving our shared natural heritage!