WILDislands at the ICPDR 27th Ordinary Meeting

LIFE project

The DANUBEPARKS Association is a formal Observer of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and as such, representatives of the organization are traditionally invited to attend the annual Ordinary Meetings of the Commission and follow the most up-to-date policies and documents, discussed by the Member States. 

Our cooperation is now even stronger, following the decision of ICPDR to become the formal host and submit the application of the Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative, developed within the LIFE WILDisland project and we were really happy for the opportunity to present our progress and work over 2024 at the 27th Ordinary Meeting of ICPDR, which took place in December 10-11th in Vienna, Austria. This is a really excellent example of synergetic collaboration among the European Commission (LIFE project), ICPDR, the Convention on Wetlands and the Member States, supporting our efforts. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to learn more about the activities and plans of the various ICPDR expert groups on joint moitoring, pressures, flood protection, river basin management, GIS, accident prevention and public participation. The winners of the Danube Art Masters 2024 were also formally announced at the event and we would like to cordially congratulate all the kids from all along the Danube, who submitted their works and turned their attention to Danube, its significance and conservation.

This year the Ordinary Meeting was even more special, since it included an interactive joint session with the representatives of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), designed to foster out-of-the-box thinking, mutual inspiration, and actionable steps towards achieving our common goals more effectively.

The EUSDR as a cross-sectoral policy platform thrives on strategic partnerships to shape the framework for cooperation projects and initiatives in and across its 12 thematic areas. These efforts address pressing challenges, provide solutions and foster cohesion in the Danube Region. For years, the cooperation between the ICPDR and individual Priority Areas (PA1a, PA 4 – 6) has been regarded as a best practice example of institutions working together in common fields of interest. This year it was presided by Austria and this created the excellent opportunity to carry out this joint session and have experts from various fields and sectors sit together and discuss issues of joint significance.

We once again thank ICPDR for the invitation and look forward to our continuous fruitful cooperation.