LIFE Platform Meeting Austria

LIFE project

The LIFE WILDisland project attended the common Platform Meeting of all Austrian LIFE-funded projects, organized in April 20-21 in Vienna, Austria.

The LIFE Platform is an event where project stakeholders can inform and exchange information about ongoing LIFE projects. It provides excellent opportunities for networking and experience exchange, getting to know the actors on field, follow their practical progress and results as well as hear the news, concerning the LIFE programme of the European Commission. All Austrian project partners of the WILDisland projects were there - the Donau-Auen National Park, viadonau and Verbund to present the excellent work they are doing within other ongoing projects as well.

The meeting was supported by the City of Vienna - Wiener Gewässer and the LIFE projects "DICCA - Good Climate for the Danube Island" and "ENCAM - Keeping the Climate instay in flow". Within the programme, the participants visited the hosting projects sites along the Donauinsel, as well as the restoration site of the Liesing river in Southern Vienna.

We would like to thank all the colleagues for the inspiration and great work!

LIFE DICCA weather station on Donauinsel, Vienna
LIFE DICCA wooden pergola for shade and refreshment
LIFE Boat 4 Sturgeons captive bred fish in Inselinfo, Donauinsel
LIFE-Projekt LIFE EnCAM Liesing river restoration actions
LIFE-Projekt LIFE EnCAM Liesing river restoration actions