The approval plans and documents for the Mouth Ussel project area in Germany have been finalized and submitted by Uniper to the relevant authorities in Germany.
In order to obtain a dynamic riverine landscape, it is planned to re-move the embankments near the mouth of the river Ussel on a stretch of about 1 km at the left riverbank of the Danube (rkm 2486.3-2487.4). This leads to the reconnection of a side branch and thus to the development of a new island.
Within the alignment process, the water authority Ingolstadt requested an additional two dimensional water level calculation for the mouth where the Ussel flows into the Danube river, which will be added to the planning documents to finalize the permitting process.
This is a good milestone for the project actions and as the construction works are planned for winter 2023/2024, the activities are progressing well on track.
For more information: Uta Mendez/UNIPER LIFE WILDisland Project Manager: