WILDislands at the Cross Macro-Regional Meeting

LIFE project

On 17th of November 2022, DANUBEPARKS was taking part in Cross Macro-Regional Meeting on Fostering synergies across MRS contribution to biodiversity organized by EUSDR Priority Area 6 "To preserve biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils".

The coordinators (EUSALP, EUSAIR, and EUSDR) were invited to give a brief overview of the initiatives, activities, and results since the meeting in Zagreb in 2019 with regard to biodiversity, ecological connectivity and/or cross-MRS cooperation.

Also, several Protected Areas networks (DANUBEPARKS, ALPARC, MedPAN and Carpathian Network of Protected Areas) discussed potential cooperation across MRS. All PA networks provided information on the organisational structure and sustainability and presented their existing incentives/projects easily applicable across MRS.On behalf of DANUBEPARKS, Mr. Georg Frank presented the DANUBEPARKS history, WILDisland initiative and upcoming plans for cooperation with other PA Networks.

At the end of the meeting exchange on proposals took place, followed by a discussion on what activities could be done together across the MRS for 30-10 targets of the EU's biodiversity strategy for 2030.

The conclusion of the meeting was that there is a huge potential for closer collaboration, networking and exchange between the MRS thematic coordinators and PA networks. The next step is to implement joint projects which would support us all in reaching targets of the EU's biodiversity strategy for 2030.