Abwinden-Asten technical plans submitted for approval


The technical plans for the restoration action below the Abwinden-Asten  Hydro Power Plant, Austria have been prepared by Verbund and submitted for approval a whole year earlier than originally provided!

This is a real milestone for the LIFE WILDisland project, since this is the largest direct conservation action provided. It is a real ambitious measure, which will result in the establishment of a whole new island to act as stepping stone between Natura 2000 Traun-Donau-Auen (AT3114000) and Machland Nord (AT3132000). A whole section of an asphalted road with cabling and street lamps and embankment will be removed and an old-side arm will be dredged in order to improve the water access and free flow.

This action will improve the natural character of the landscape downstream from the powerplant, initiating river dynamic processes and to creating a dynamic riverine landscape with high value for riparian softwood habitats.

If everything goes well in the approval process, Verbund will be able to start with the earthworks already in the winter of 2023-2024, even 2 years ahead of the planned start of construction!

We are keeping fingers crossed for speedy approval and will keep you posted!