Here you are able to download some of our materials and publications...
Information materials
Information materials
- DanubeInside Magazine 2022Information brochure on the LIFE WILDisland project
- DanubeInside Magazine 2022 (in Bulgarian)Information brochure on the LIFE WILDisland project (in Bulgarian)
- DanubeInside Magazine 2022 (in Romanian)Information brochure on the LIFE WILDisland project (in Romanian)
Project site factsheets
Factsheets direct restoration actions
- Mouth Ussel FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Mouth Ussel, Germany. LIFE partner in charge: Uniper
- Ingolstadt FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Ingolstadt, Germany. LIFE partner in charge: Uniper
- Untere Langau-Abwinden Factsheet Maps and graphs for the actions at Untere Langau-Abwinden, Austria. LIFE partner in charge: Verbund
- Schwalbeninsel FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Schwalbeninsel, Austria. LIFE partner in charge: viadonau / Donau Auen National Park
- Sap island FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Sap Island, Slovakia. LIFE partner in charge: BROZ
- Klizska Nema Island FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Klizska Nema Island, Slovakia. LIFE partner in charge: BROZ
- Erebe Islands FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Erebe Islands, Hungary. LIFE partner in charge: Fertő Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
- Korpadi Islands FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Korpadi Islands, Hungary. LIFE partner in charge: Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
- Gornje Podunavje FactsheetMaps and graphs for the actions at Gornje Podunavlje, Serbia. LIFE partner in charge: Vojvodinasume
- RO164 side branch reactivation FactsheetRomania side branch restoration - DDBRA
- Redynamization of meanders FactesheetMaps and graphs for the actions for redynamization of cut-off meanders, Romania. LIFE partner in charge: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority
Factsheets forestry actions
Factsheets forestry actions
- WILDisland Presentation posterPrepared for the European BioClim Wetlands Conference 2023, Bonn
- WILDisland article in Auenmagazin 23/2023(in German)
- Project actionsMap of project actions