Coordination meeting in Croatia


On July 18th the LIFE WILDisland project teams from Kopački rit Nature Park and Hrvatske šume, Croatia organized their 3rd national coordination meeting in order to track the overall project progress and plan the next steps.

Hrvatske šume is planning to start the works in forest section 24b at the beginning of August, removing Euro-american poplar plantations on an area of 14.23 ha, while they are currently working on the procurement procedure to assign that work. The company is also preparing the documentation for the procurement of barges for the transport of the extracted wood material. The participants agreed on the storage place of the timber, located approximately at 1405 r. km. of the Danube. All terms and conditions were clarified and the forest conversion methodology was agreed upon in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance on internal order in PP Kopački rit (NN 77/00).

After that, the two project teams visited the target site, where the removal of invasive species will soon begin, in order to check the conditions on field and discuss the practical coordination between the project partners.

After the field visit, there was a break with refreshments and a snack, after which the various possibilities of the felled timber storage facilities and their possible locations were discussed.

We will keep you posted!

For more information:
Vlatko Rožac - Kopački rit Nature Park: