WILDislands at the Family Fest of Donau-Auen NP


The WILDisland project hosted one of the information stands at the traditional Family Fest of Donau-Auen National Park, Austria, which took place on Sunday, April 28th in the schlossORTH National Park Centre.

At our stand kids could learn more about the morphology of the Danube and the importance of hydrological dynamics, free flowing sections and revitalization projects for the existence of gravel and sand banks crucial for the riparian habitats and their rare and protected species. We were looking together for Ringed Plover eggs and explored sand under the microscope. Everyone could also make their necklace from a carefully polished Danube pebble.

This year's festival motto was "Discover your Danube!". The entire area of the schlossORTH National Park Centre, from the castle meadow to the tournament courtyard to the castle island, was intensively used and around 1,500 guests were welcomed.

Lower Austrian Parliament President Karl Wilfing, National Park Director Edith Klauser and Mayor Elisabeth Wagnes, Orth/Donau, took a tour of the centre and visited the wide range of information, play and craft stations. From the world of stones to the abundance of species of fish, mussels and birds, fascinating adaptations of nature, deciduous trees, river habitats and the topic of plastic waste, the Danube as a lifeline was presented in an interesting and interactive way for young and old.

As partners of the festival, NÖ Familienland also enriched the diverse programme with play activities, viadonau with the measuring boat drone, Austrian Federal Forests, EULEN- UND GREIFVOGELSTATION Haringsee and museumORTH.

As a highlight, the popular music band Die Donaupiraten delighted the numerous children with their hands-on concert, while other popular offers included ranger shows, guided tours of the national park exhibitions, museumORTH and the Orth spiral staircase, organic cuisine and a competition.

Photos: Kovacs, Donau-Auen NP