Field visits to restoration sites in Croatia

LIFE project

In order to advance the technical planning of the forest restoration activities in Croatia, the LIFE WILDisland team of the Kopački rit Nature Park and Hrvatske šume went on field several times to check the project area and plan of conversion.

The field surveys were carried out on 24.02.2023 and 15-16.05.2023.

The goal is to turn 37,01 ha of the foreign, vitally weakened Euro-American poplar monoculture into a mixed forest of native species (poplar and willow). Converting the existing poplar plantation into stable mixed forests of autochthone species will increase the resilience of the forest ecosystem to biotic and abiotic factors, increase ecological value and general beneficial forest functions and increase biodiversity.

The purpose of the visits was to find a location for the export of wood material from the island. By inspecting the Vemelj canal, we found several locations for transporting wood material.

In addition to that, the external expert assigned to study the impact on the restoration works on the vegetation developed a dynamic plan for monitoring and joined the field visit to the project area on 15. & 16.05.2023. The experts together performed an inspection of the locations for monitoring on all areas planned for restoration.

For more information:
Zdenko Turniški - Hrvatske Šume: