Forest actions started on Debrina island, Hungary

LIFE project

Debrina island is a 21,7 ha island in the Middle Danube, Hungary, part of which is managed by the Duna-Drava National Park.

Within the LIFE WILDisland project, Duna-Drava National Park Directorate provides to control invasive alien species on the whole extent of the island and improve the natural forested habitats by imitating natural rejuvenation processes on 4.5 hectares.

The action already started with acquiring the official permits for forest restoration.

Mid-November the closing dam (checkdam) was smoothened out to improve the access of forestry machinery to the island and the transport of the materials. In addition to that, the action provides for installing a fence to protect the young trees against deers and wild. Despite the great challenge to open the floodplain jungle, the fence has been erected around the restoration area. Since the project area is situated within the floodplains, our colleagues have planned a durable fence to prevent possible damage during flood.

Additionally, soil sampling pits have been made, and the soil samples have been sent to a laboratory for analysis. The result will help the Duna-Drava team to determine the exact place of certain species, furthermore it could be useful to evaluate the result of the forest restoration.

The action continues and we will keep you posted!

For more information, please contact:
Tibor Parrag - Duna-Drava National Park: