Forest actions started in Romania

LIFE project

With 63 islands, Romania hosts by far the largest number of well-preserved natural islands. At the same time, hydrological alterations upstream increase and fasten the process of sedimentation in the side branches and as a result, some of the islands, such as RO164, lose more and more its character and unique qualities.

On island RO164 the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) will restore the side branch by dredging and removing the sediments, while Romsilva will improve the forest stands on 11 ha replacing the degraded forests with indigenous species.

Romsilva started with the public procurement of their forestry actions already in July 2022 and the contract for services (external assistance) was successfully awarded.

The handover of the plantation site to the contractors took place in September and currently preparation site works (removal or destruction of all stumps and invasive alien vegetation, ploughing, disking) are ongoing.

Depending on the weather conditions, Romsilva is planing to start the plantations much ahead of schedule already in the autumn of 2022 or the spring of 2023.

We will keep you posted!

For more information: Costel Petcu/Romsilva LIFE WILDisland Project Manager: