WILDislands was presented at the PA6 Steering Group Meeting

LIFE project

On November 6th and 7th, 2023 the DANUBEPARKS Association co-hosted the 20th Steering Group Meeting of the European Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Priority Area 6 (Biodiversity), held oin the heart of nature at Kopački Rit Nature Park, Croatia.

The meeting had a focus on the reforms of Priority Area 6, and understanding the roles of key actors in implementing the EUSDR. Engaging discussions revolved around the roles of Priority Area Coordinators, Steering Group Members and Observers, as well as Task Forces and Task Force Chairs. The joint aim is to make the group fit for the future, optimize its working methods and include all core actors of PA 6 (PACs, Steering Group Members and Task Forces), actively involve youth and ensure synergies of PA 6 with other groups, mobilizing additional funding opportunities. 

The president of DANUBEPARKS, Dr. Vlatko Rozac also presented the idea for the establishment of the Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative as the first river-based RRI in Europe, providing common political and practical platform to join the efforts of the Wetlands Convention, the Inetrnational Convention on the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the DANUBEPARKS members to preserve and sustainably manage the unique natural heritage of the river. We presented the huge potential for synergies and common cooperation, inviting PA6 to support and get actively involved as an Observer into the proposed RRI. The presentation was followed with a great interest and we believe that it will soon be formally accepted. 

As a side event, the hosts organized a boat trip through the Kopački Rit Nature Park, as well as a study visit to the Presentation and Education Center Tikveš which provided insights into the rich biodiversity of the region.

We would like to cordially thank the dedicated coordinators of PA6, Mrs. Ana Kobašlić and Mr. Florian Ballnus, for orchestrating this insightful and inspiring event!

With the announced reforms, we are sure that PA6 Task Forces will achieve even greater results!

Photo credits: Kopački Rit Nature Park